Is this okay?

Diskutiere Is this okay? im Stammtisch Forum im Bereich Off Topic - Bereich; Hello everyone, First of all; I'm sorry to write in English. You see, I'm Dutch and I speak a few words Deutsch, read it a few words and write...

  1. #1 Navigator, 11.08.2022

    Navigator AutoGasInteressent

    Dabei seit:
    Hello everyone,

    First of all; I'm sorry to write in English.
    You see, I'm Dutch and I speak a few words Deutsch, read it a few words and write even fewer words in Deutsch.....
    So, when I would try to write in your language, it would take me a day just to say "hi" :) and you would want to kill me because there are 6 errors in that one word ;)

    The fact is; I do have some knowledge on LPG systems and maybe I can contribute a bit here and there.
    I have to be honest; I also have a problem with my own car that I just bought a few weeks ago and wanted to ask.
    The only forum I could find, was this one.

    I'm really hoping I'm not putting people off, but this is what I can do, English.......
    I really hope you are okay with that.
    To be sure, I will wait with the topic I want to make and other postings.
    Thank you for reading, kind regards, Wim.
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  3. #2 mawi2012, 11.08.2022

    mawi2012 Meister der Beiträge

    Dabei seit:
    i think, its okay. If i can, i will help you, but my english is not so good.
    regards Martin
  4. #3 Navigator, 12.08.2022

    Navigator AutoGasInteressent

    Dabei seit:
    Thank you Martin!
    Well, your English is SO much better than my German, it isn't even funny anymore :)
    Meanwhile, I did open up a topic; more than 50 people read this, there were no "No's" so I tried, lets see what happens.

    Thank you again.

Is this okay?

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